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Saturday, May 24, 2008

看來 我需要時間慢慢熟悉

Thinking of you..*

Monday, May 19, 2008

I celebrated My Vesak day by quarreling with my stupid bro in the morning.....that stupid boy. He has been using computer from 8 to 11 n I was doing almost all the room work.....not house work...lol !!! When he opens his eyes, his first action is to find the laptop. So I brought the charger of the com and went out of the house. He in return, took my bus card n hid it. So I went out n mit my frien at mac. N mit my mom at PASIR RIS train staiont. We went IKEA for dinner with my relative....he just came to singapore and studies in TP. However, the place is so crowded n everyone was fighting for a place. SO ALMOST EVERYONE IS NOT IN A GOOD MOOD!! We had our meals....dun think it is that nice as wat my brother said. His recommendation sux!!! lol. We spent, haHa...or in another words, my mom spent 40 plus for a so so food WITH A CROWDED place n NO ONE SERVES!! (it is self service, u can try....if u r interested...) Den we went home.....But still, it is still good to see someone u didn see for a long time. The last time ic him is.......let me think. hmmm, I GUESS THAT TIME IM STILL FIVE...

Thinking of you..*

Woke up by my mom, still Slpy...I did some washing and went out of the house without being conscious. Walk to the bus stop while chewing my bread...which is no taste at all to me. (still sleepy) Maybe it is not I am stil sleepy, I guess I just do not wanna get up and "face the music". After my O level, I guess I lost a certain amount of confidence. Until I reach the test centre, at newton....the fish's view then become clearer. Got no choice but have to wake up....I REACHED AT 8.15!!! N my test is at 9!!! I nid to stay calm in front my mom when I felt all the butterflies....flyin flyin in my stomache! The time appears to be so slow from 8 15 to 9. sian...=.=. Den I sit for my test from 9 to 1 with only one ten minute break in between two hrs. I had my reading, listening, speaking and writing all within the four hrs. Just think I didn do too well for me spearking....which is qutie abnormal. LOL! coz I blanked out for a while, because of a stupid korean guy...His english is sounds so pro and confident with the accent, I got carried away. Haiz....so that question...I guess I didn do that well. Hope I will not do too BAD at all. AIM FOR ABOVE HUNDREAD UPON 120!!!

Thinking of you..*

Thursday, May 15, 2008

This week is like hell to me....I have TOEFL on saturday!!Omg...n i dun think i am prepared mentally. Meanwhile, I still have bio test today(wed). So i am stressed. However, it is not the end of the story...worse things worse, i lost my hp in NP....when i go see aaron. I still dun believe it!!! I LOST it.....Although i have terminated the line and settled the problem, it is not the end of the story. Becoz of this, i am not able to contact daniel and mit him to pass him the present..(though his birthday was like in march.?...LOL!!) He is so cute....waited for 7 til 8. The funniest thing was...he actually announced my name! Suddenly feel so glad that i have already left when he did that. If not i will feel damn pai seh....Feel so sorry to him, make him wait so long and rush his project till nite. Didn mange to meet him, but we at least talked on the phone and chatted for awhile. Have some updates....It feels so good to have contacts with friens. That is the purpose of me writing this blog til now!!! So...everywan, keep me updated ok? take care.....thank u to those who have brightens up my dull and boring day today!!

Thinking of you..*

Monday, May 12, 2008

Do homework until so late!!! Haiz....Wat a tiring day. Discuss project in school with friends, reach home at 7 plus.

Thinking of you..*


Welcome to my wonder world
Do enjoy your stay here
Remember to tag before leaving


Name: Fish
Age: 19
Birthday: 2nd March

Love quote*

....There is no rule for love....

Drop a note*
