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Friday, August 29, 2008

Went to yang ming mountain (陽明山 小油坑) on 26 of aug, behind me..the somke is actually from the hot spring...if u r der. u can hav a very strong sulphur smell....the wind is very strong...although it is summer in taiwan..like singapore, the temperature is qutie cold der. see how strong the wind was. Woke up early at 5am that day...but I did enjoy at lot.

On the rite...this is my ah ma n my aunty....heeheee....smile.

This is my father on the left and my uncle on the rite...do they look like siblings?

Nice view rite? come to TAIWAN!!!Seems like Im advertising...LOL..me with my uncle. If u wan to come...Next time i know how to bring u guys le...so FASTER come ok? hope to see everyone soon.....!!!

Thinking of you..*

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I am leaving soon. From them, I see different reactions. Some people hope that I would not go. Some people hope they can be like me and think I am such a lucky person. Yet, when Im facing this major decision.....Im struggling inside. I have so many people who cares about me here....all my friens, my family...even my daddy. To them, maybe Im inconsiderate...silly or even selfish. My uncle has told me off b4, "u r too naive, do u thiink that it is ever easy to stay there?", "u have no idea wat the life its like out der? Later u will soon wanna be bac and u cant do anything abt it." Silence replied his sarcasm. How to express when I know I will experience another new world and I wan to know more? How to express the emotional feeliings that I am going through when leaving everyone I love? How to express the helplessness I have encountered when things didn turn out as what I wished? How to express the anxiety and worries or even the fear of an outside world. How to express the sadness I feel when I saw my love ones crying in front of me? I will see all of their tears.......I know. Happiness seems to be so far… However, the fish is now swimming to the ocean frm the river, whatever challenges it faces… The onli thing I can do is to strive and explore the ocean. Whether I will cope everything and get used to it is another thing, how to express the loneliness of living alone? Time will tell….. things will be alrite, dun worry for me ppl…I miss u.

Thinking of you..*


Welcome to my wonder world
Do enjoy your stay here
Remember to tag before leaving


Name: Fish
Age: 19
Birthday: 2nd March

Love quote*

....There is no rule for love....

Drop a note*
