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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Went out with my friens in Taiwan this Saturday (27/09/08)...Arrived at 中正紀念堂 station at 10.30. It is called 2008 special exhibition of wooly mammoth specimens. Although the ticket cost me ard ten dollar sing. I think I didn learn something...duno tt the fat of the mammoth is abt 9 to 20 cm think in order to protect them in severe cold condition..it surprises me! Haha~ if im tt fat, confirm wanna die le. The hair of the mammoth is ard 50 cm long to prevent the wind frm blowing directly to them. We also saw the ivory n the entire skeleton of a mammoth. SO SORRY THAT I CANT SHOW U GUYS...coz no camera is allowed. However, the skeleton is not the main thing we wanna see in the whole exhibition. The thing that we actually wanted to see is the frozen part of mammoths that is being discovered recently. Due to global warming...as the ice is melting...scientists discovered those bodies! The best part is that their bodies are still kept in good condition...since they are just being iced. Hopefully, in this way, the researcher can get a complete DNA of a mammoth…just like how they copy dolly sheep using DNA ( If u duno this...CHECK INTERENT…its is very famous for awhile...I saw it in news b4…) We might have a chance to see this extinct creature with our own eyes again!! Hope that they can succeed. Then I have luch with my two friens n went to MOS burger n chat frm 1 to 4. Oso duno wat we talk about...until so long…Will put the photos we took...nice outing with my friens for the first time in Taiwan this year...

Thinking of you..*

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My favourite cartoon characters…duno why today suddenly wanna talk about this. Maybe just being random..heehee. 布丁狗~~ cute rite? A pudding look with caramel hat, always appear very happy and cute...It is created in Japan, but I have never seen it in Singapore. People hardly knows about him....sad~Yet it is quite popular in Taiwan!!

Next, I will introduce to u....豆豆龍. I think most of the people know this..so I dun have to mention much about it. Just show the pictures...heehee~

Then is the monokuro boo......heehee. Most of the people noes I like this. I got a monokuro boo pencil case...two wallents...two small bags n eraser. It seems like a lot of ppl noes I love pig!! heehee~ see my pigs...

All of them r cute rite? heehee~ Love all of them...so cute~

Thinking of you..*

Friday, September 19, 2008

Woke up 4.45 this morning...wa...going to cycle with my uncle and aunty. I have no idea why, this year there is a sudden rise of ppl buying bike. It is now very popular after the government has constructed those bicycle tracks in Taipei. Actually, not even Taipei, other places in Taiwan also started bicycle tour in those famous tourism places. The government also decides to attract more tourists by bicycle tracks. While enjoying the breeze, u can see those beautiful scenaries in Taiwan. I really like this idea. (Hint hint: so dun come to Taiwan n duno how to ride a bike ar. U will miss a lot. Haha….some ppl will know who am I talking abt. Lol.) However, according to the government, there is still room of improve. Hope it will be better!!

Anyway…let's come bac to the topic. Three of us reach there at 5.15. (since the sun in Taiwan rises abt 530? 6? We dun wan to get burnt) The view is nice and the sunrise is better than the one I have seen in east coast (come n show off to that person…u noe rite…I am telling u!! heeheee.) I saw the sun rises as I was cycling…the sun is so red n orangy that the sky is coloured pink by it...so beautiful. The sky, with the combination of blue and pink turns purple at the intersection of two colours. Feel sorry that I didn bring camera der this time. Next time, I must take lots of pictures to show u guys. We rode more than one hr n reach home at 8. Nice morning!!!

Thinking of you..*

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Woke up early this morning….a bit lazy to wake up. Its 6.30. Need to go to America embassy to apply my visa. At first I thought it should be quite fast, since there is a time for the appointment. My appointment is 8, so we decided to be there a bit earlier. I reached there n seven 45 n tot I will get it done fast. However, I as wrong when I saw a long queue of ppl standing outside of the building….Omg. I overheard someone’s conversation. He said he is glad that this morning there is ONLY two long queues. I was like “only”? He added on, normally it is abt 4 queues…………….

Once I was inside, the checked our bags…like wat ppl have experienced in the airport. As I went in, I realized..it is a station to station like system. First u have to submit ur doc. They will help u arrange all the doc nicely n check whether u hav paid the service charge by the receipts we paid b4 we went der. Next, they will label all the doc n they will save the fingerprints of ALL MY FINGERS!! (Oh~my fins..) they said this is required once after the terrorist attack in America, which is the 911. Haiz.

Finally, it was my turn for the interview. U can see ard 30 ppl waiting for the 4 counters….fighting to be interviewed. (not really fighting…just exaggerating) the lady who interviewed me was a foreigner.( ah mo?) At least she is friendly to me…..becoz I have seen her questioning a student like me n it is quite a hard time for the student….( I suppose so.) First time in my life…im glad I have learnt English. lol. Without much difficulty to communicate…she gave me VISA! Finally…after one n a haf hours of waiting. This is really faster then Singapore’s immigration…I dun have to spend my haf a day der. Feel relieved once the thing is done. If not it always makes me worried…feel as lazy as 趴趴熊 now..heehee...

Thinking of you..*

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The coffee in the morning makes me feel disgustin...hate hot coffee in the morning. That makes me feel like vomitin...I rather a cup of milk or hot chocos. After the typhoon, the weather is getting cold nowadays in Taiwan. I went to bbq with my relatives’ n their friends yesterday since it is moon cake festival. In Taiwan, there is such a tradition tt during moon cake festival, everyone must bbq. I also duno why…Anyway, I eat a lot yesterday. Haha, Im just being honest. When we r bbqin, there was this 4 yr old boy boy who keeps approaching me n call me jie jie. Wa~ he is very very cute…..he sat beside me n played with me. Everyone is surprised becoz he is usually a shy boy boy….he even said he wans to go home with me. SO CUTE~this is a weird kids…there were four of them in total. Why he doesn wan to play with me. Do I look like I am four yr old too? (PS. My aunty n uncle borrowed a bike from her friends…so tt I can go cycling with them from their house to 八里!)

Thinking of you..*


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Name: Fish
Age: 19
Birthday: 2nd March

Love quote*

....There is no rule for love....

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