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Monday, October 6, 2008

Went out to cycle with my aunty n uncle n their friens on saturday…dun feel like updating my blog…so lazy these few days. However, their friends cycled very fast. So it is very hard for me to catch up. They go cycling once or twice a week…not like me.so long didn cycle le. Until I come bac to Taiwan. So, there I was… with my sun block n all. Being wrap like a mummy… the sun is very bright at 7.30 in Taiwan. They helped me rented a bike… As the breeze passed thru me… Isnt it the air that I used to miss so much? Why im not as happy? Why it isn't like b4? Isn't this where I belong? I duno… I think I have the answer… just tt I dun wan to admit. The place I have been familiar with these few years is no longer Taiwan. The people tt I have familiar with r not in Taipei… just like these few years… I have been in a dream. Once I was awake… everything disappears. Everything becomes so distant, so hard to reach. I tot I already got wat I wanted for so long… to stand at my hometown's land, to feel the cold breeze here once again n the smell of the air in rainy Taipei… etc. Maybe I was wrong… or maybe when I got this… im greedy for another. I was… confused n I still am. Lost my way bac while I was cycling… with my speed… I overshot without knowing. This was the first time, I realized that cycling can be so tiring. I was really exhausted… my legs couldn't really carry myself to cycle bac to where we first started. After cycling for 3 hours (duno how many km, but confirm more then 10. I took one hr to get lost n get back), I was bac. But in real life, sometimes it is impossible to return once Im lost…

Thinking of you..*


Welcome to my wonder world
Do enjoy your stay here
Remember to tag before leaving


Name: Fish
Age: 19
Birthday: 2nd March

Love quote*

....There is no rule for love....

Drop a note*
