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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not a special occasion today....after reading a letter. i just realize how bad i was by not posting any things online. since i a just showing my feeling online, i will not care about my grammar, spelling or anything. Instead i will just let out watever im thinking. Sometimes it might be happy, it might be very sad, but i just want all of you guys to know my true feelings. That is what really happening in my life and i hope those who are far away from me can still share with the story of my life without getting loose out. i just wanted to tell you guys that, no matter where i am. all the friends i have have been in parts of my life. When i look back one day, i will still be proudly presenting you, my good friend, with the rest of my friends. i have been quite a reserved person because i do not like to share my story online with lots of ppl that much. However, its time for a change now and see what will happen. Not really in a good mood these few months, i can be happy with my smile, but there is so many things in college that vexed me. The uncertainty in future suppresses me as i realize whatever im doing now has a huge impact in my future. Worry about how can i make my personal statement captivating compared to others, what are the opportunities that i have to change my life. In college, there is so many things that you have to figure out urself just to give you a good standing in university. Just hope that i can go in the university that i want to go. Meanwhile keep my attention on something else so i will not keep pondering about these? frustration over frustration over frustration...that's life. happy and sad all blends in together! :) cheers~

Thinking of you..*


Welcome to my wonder world
Do enjoy your stay here
Remember to tag before leaving


Name: Fish
Age: 19
Birthday: 2nd March

Love quote*

....There is no rule for love....

Drop a note*
