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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not a special occasion today....after reading a letter. i just realize how bad i was by not posting any things online. since i a just showing my feeling online, i will not care about my grammar, spelling or anything. Instead i will just let out watever im thinking. Sometimes it might be happy, it might be very sad, but i just want all of you guys to know my true feelings. That is what really happening in my life and i hope those who are far away from me can still share with the story of my life without getting loose out. i just wanted to tell you guys that, no matter where i am. all the friends i have have been in parts of my life. When i look back one day, i will still be proudly presenting you, my good friend, with the rest of my friends. i have been quite a reserved person because i do not like to share my story online with lots of ppl that much. However, its time for a change now and see what will happen. Not really in a good mood these few months, i can be happy with my smile, but there is so many things in college that vexed me. The uncertainty in future suppresses me as i realize whatever im doing now has a huge impact in my future. Worry about how can i make my personal statement captivating compared to others, what are the opportunities that i have to change my life. In college, there is so many things that you have to figure out urself just to give you a good standing in university. Just hope that i can go in the university that i want to go. Meanwhile keep my attention on something else so i will not keep pondering about these? frustration over frustration over frustration...that's life. happy and sad all blends in together! :) cheers~

Thinking of you..*

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Soo long didnt write my blog. Too many things are going on at the same time, dunt feel like writing too. Sorry guys...Just a life busy with school, slacking and hanging out with friends. There is nothing much in Cupertino here. Haiz...so I just go to swim, exercise at my frien's gym, go to the movie. Time still passed without waiting for us. Thats good, coz future is ahead of us! Sometimes...go to the park maybe...and coffee shop to chit chat and kill time. Summer is coming...and so is our finals. HoPe everyone can do well. I still wanna As for all my classes. XD HoPE my dream comes ture too. :)

Thinking of you..*

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bored bored bored these days...Have nothing much to do. Just that the weather is changing in Taiwan le. Winter is coming soon...autumn is going to over. Sky is always cloudy and the temperature decreases just like my mood...From 26, 25 goes straight down until 16, 17 this saturday. We had hotpot today...but it seems like my mood is not getting better...although hotpot did warm me up. Time appears to be so slow everyday...

My uncle and I go exercising every morning...have tutor to correct my English essay twice a week. Waiting mom to be back on 18th of Nov. Guess nothing much is going to happen anyway...so it doesn matter much too. Getting hard to focus everyday...cant really sit down and do work for more than 2 hours. Always get distracted, always feel so negative, frustrated, confused...Yet, life goes on. Soon, I onli have one month left and I will be facing everything myself. Im not scared, not afraid...just feel that im lonelier from now onwards. Cant be dependent or over rely on someone. The fact is that I will not hav much ppl to talk me out soon. Still, I have to look forward n try to work myself out. This is the reality, if im not going to help myself, no one can ever helps me le...

Thinking of you..*

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So long have not been updating my blog. Being a good student….doing hw hw hw hw…for my English tuition class. Nothing happens much these days…I learnt how to make more cakes…buns..n even moose from my aunty…HAHA. Since when Im so enthu about tt? Lol. These days there is a very nice movie that I wanna introduce…Cape no.7 (海角七號)….heeheee…As I am too lazy to tell u the story…those who are interested can go n see that link…ard 5 billons of people have seen it…guess some of them watch it more than once? Lol.

I know it is coming out in Singapore soon, so if u dun like Chinese…u can watch it in English…heehee~~

Must really go to the theater and support the movie….very good to watch…heeheee~ I dun wanna say the summary of the story la…the best is someone translate it in English. Just something to do with band…love letters and mailing? HAHA….too summarized already…Hope everyone enjoys the show…

Thinking of you..*

Monday, October 6, 2008

Went out to cycle with my aunty n uncle n their friens on saturday…dun feel like updating my blog…so lazy these few days. However, their friends cycled very fast. So it is very hard for me to catch up. They go cycling once or twice a week…not like me.so long didn cycle le. Until I come bac to Taiwan. So, there I was… with my sun block n all. Being wrap like a mummy… the sun is very bright at 7.30 in Taiwan. They helped me rented a bike… As the breeze passed thru me… Isnt it the air that I used to miss so much? Why im not as happy? Why it isn't like b4? Isn't this where I belong? I duno… I think I have the answer… just tt I dun wan to admit. The place I have been familiar with these few years is no longer Taiwan. The people tt I have familiar with r not in Taipei… just like these few years… I have been in a dream. Once I was awake… everything disappears. Everything becomes so distant, so hard to reach. I tot I already got wat I wanted for so long… to stand at my hometown's land, to feel the cold breeze here once again n the smell of the air in rainy Taipei… etc. Maybe I was wrong… or maybe when I got this… im greedy for another. I was… confused n I still am. Lost my way bac while I was cycling… with my speed… I overshot without knowing. This was the first time, I realized that cycling can be so tiring. I was really exhausted… my legs couldn't really carry myself to cycle bac to where we first started. After cycling for 3 hours (duno how many km, but confirm more then 10. I took one hr to get lost n get back), I was bac. But in real life, sometimes it is impossible to return once Im lost…

Thinking of you..*

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Went out with my friens in Taiwan this Saturday (27/09/08)...Arrived at 中正紀念堂 station at 10.30. It is called 2008 special exhibition of wooly mammoth specimens. Although the ticket cost me ard ten dollar sing. I think I didn learn something...duno tt the fat of the mammoth is abt 9 to 20 cm think in order to protect them in severe cold condition..it surprises me! Haha~ if im tt fat, confirm wanna die le. The hair of the mammoth is ard 50 cm long to prevent the wind frm blowing directly to them. We also saw the ivory n the entire skeleton of a mammoth. SO SORRY THAT I CANT SHOW U GUYS...coz no camera is allowed. However, the skeleton is not the main thing we wanna see in the whole exhibition. The thing that we actually wanted to see is the frozen part of mammoths that is being discovered recently. Due to global warming...as the ice is melting...scientists discovered those bodies! The best part is that their bodies are still kept in good condition...since they are just being iced. Hopefully, in this way, the researcher can get a complete DNA of a mammoth…just like how they copy dolly sheep using DNA ( If u duno this...CHECK INTERENT…its is very famous for awhile...I saw it in news b4…) We might have a chance to see this extinct creature with our own eyes again!! Hope that they can succeed. Then I have luch with my two friens n went to MOS burger n chat frm 1 to 4. Oso duno wat we talk about...until so long…Will put the photos we took...nice outing with my friens for the first time in Taiwan this year...

Thinking of you..*

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My favourite cartoon characters…duno why today suddenly wanna talk about this. Maybe just being random..heehee. 布丁狗~~ cute rite? A pudding look with caramel hat, always appear very happy and cute...It is created in Japan, but I have never seen it in Singapore. People hardly knows about him....sad~Yet it is quite popular in Taiwan!!

Next, I will introduce to u....豆豆龍. I think most of the people know this..so I dun have to mention much about it. Just show the pictures...heehee~

Then is the monokuro boo......heehee. Most of the people noes I like this. I got a monokuro boo pencil case...two wallents...two small bags n eraser. It seems like a lot of ppl noes I love pig!! heehee~ see my pigs...

All of them r cute rite? heehee~ Love all of them...so cute~

Thinking of you..*


Welcome to my wonder world
Do enjoy your stay here
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Name: Fish
Age: 19
Birthday: 2nd March

Love quote*

....There is no rule for love....

Drop a note*
